Found 0 active SIGMETs at 03/01 16:05 GMT including Non-Convective SIGMETs issued at 03/01 15:55 GMT.
SIGnificant METeorological advisories knows as SIGMETs contain important meteorological information that can impact the safety of all aircraft. There are 2 broad categories of SIGMETS, Convective and Non-Convective. Convective SIGMETs are issued for areas of atmospheric convection which may produce thunderstorms or severe surface weather. Non-Convective SIGMETs are often issued for areas of turbulence, severe icing or other dangerous atmospheric conditions such as volcanic ash. If you are flying through an active SIGMET the chance of turbulence is increased. More information about SIGMETs can be found here.
Expires (min) | Hazard | Description | Valid From | Valid To | Action(s) | |
No SIGMETs found! |